Buying everything you need, or think you will need, for your squishy little human can seem like a mammoth, expensive, overwhelming experience. 'How will we afford to buy all of this stuff?' 'How can someone so small require so many things?' 'Will there be any room for the actual baby after we have bought all this stuff?' 'Will we have to move house to accommodate all of the baby's stuff?' 'Do they do 'baby-stuff-mortgages'?' Yes, the list can seem endless and it's really difficult to decipher what you really need and what will inevitably just sit in it's box and get in the way until you eventually sell it, donate it, save it for when you have your next baby when, inevitably, it still won't get taken out of it's box. I want to try and help you make some educated choices, save a bit of money and learn from my mistakes, late night panic buying, decisions! One of the first things on my shopping list was some k...
The wonderful world of reusable nappies can seem like a minefield! I felt really overwhelmed when I started looking in to using them before I had my son, and honestly, it almost put me off the idea on a couple of occasions. I joined a few reusable nappy groups online in the hope of finding some information, and I did! There are some great groups out there, full of super knowledgeable and experienced Cloth-Bum-Mums (and Dads!) who are more than happy to pass on their wisdom. I did also feel a bit like a rabbit in headlights, because there are so many types, fits, materials, prices, abbreviations... so many options and so much information - I just didn't have a clue where to start. I think this can be quite off-putting if you are considering using cloth nappies, and can make using them seem more difficult, more effort, more expensive, less convenient and less appealing than using disposables - and that so isn't the case! I could l...