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Snuza Hero MD vs Owlet Smart Sock 2 ~

Buying everything you need, or think you will need, for your squishy little human can seem like a mammoth, expensive, overwhelming experience.  'How will we afford to buy all of this stuff?'  'How can someone so small require so many things?'  'Will there be any room for the actual baby after we have bought all this stuff?' 'Will we have to move house to accommodate all of the baby's stuff?'  'Do they do 'baby-stuff-mortgages'?' Yes, the list can seem endless and it's really difficult to decipher what you really  need and what will inevitably just sit in it's box and get in the way until you eventually sell it, donate it, save it for when you have your next baby when, inevitably, it still  won't get taken out of it's box.  I want to try and help you make some educated choices, save a bit of money and learn from my mistakes,   late night panic buying,   decisions!  One of the first things on my shopping list was some k...
Recent posts

Reusable Nappies: A Beginners Guide ~

The wonderful world of reusable nappies can seem like a minefield! I felt really overwhelmed when I started looking in to using them before I had my son, and honestly, it almost  put me off the idea on a couple of occasions.  I joined a few reusable nappy groups online in the hope of finding some information, and I did! There are some great groups out there, full of super knowledgeable and experienced Cloth-Bum-Mums (and Dads!) who are more than happy to pass on their wisdom.  I did also feel a bit like a rabbit in headlights, because there are so  many types, fits, materials, prices, abbreviations... so  many options and so  much information - I just didn't have a clue where to start.  I think this can be quite off-putting if you are considering using cloth nappies, and can make using them seem more difficult, more effort, more expensive, less convenient and less appealing than using disposables - and that so  isn't the case!  I could l...


I took this photo in Spain on holiday with my family.  I remember so  vividly being sat underneath the palm trees, ice tea in hand, my Mum laying next to me reading, Dad sat by the pool listening to an audio book and my husband snoring on the grass. It was scorching hot and we were staying in the most gorgeous villa that my parents had generously taken us to for a much needed break.  I sat beneath that palm tree, buried my face in a book and put on my sunglasses to hide my tears, because all that consumed my heart and my head in that moment was how badly I wished we had children to enjoy this with. There are so many people in this world who desperately want children and for one reason or another, struggle to conceive or aren't able to have children of their own at all. I wanted to share my story in the hope it will help even just one person. I read so many people's experiences and journeys when I was TTC and I found it comforting on those dark days to know I wasn't t...

Let's Talk Reusable Nappies ~

Each day in the UK alone,  eight million  disposable nappies are sent to landfill.    Each disposable nappy can take up to  500 years   to degrade. In a world where climate change and environmental issues are paramount, I wanted to make  sure that I was aware of what sort of impact having a baby would have on our planet. When I was pregnant with Odin (and in the thick of pregnancy insomnia!) I took to researching different ways that I could decrease the waste that comes with having a little one and stumbled across an updated, easy, affordable (not to mention really  cute!) way of doing so. Enter stage left, the good old fashioned reusable nappy! I know what you're thinking, "Jess, why would I use an old fashioned nappy for my baby, when there are perfectly good, convenient, disposable options available?" I hear you. I had those thoughts initially too because frankly, I knew no better! Even when I had come round to the idea of cloth nappies, I foun...

To You, First Time Mama ~

It's everything you thought it would be and nothing you thought it would be, right?  I hear you Mama. I'm riding that struggle bus with you and melting at those little gummy little smiles with you too.  There are a TON of things no one tells you when you become a Mum; that beautiful hair and radiant glow you were promised when you fell pregnant? They may not happen. That's right, ne ver. And just to add a bit more salt to that very open wound, once you've had your beautiful bambino, your hair could start to fall out. It's happening and I'm bitter about it; lets move on... Along with morning    all day  sickness, piles, varicose veins, bleeding nipples, sore boobs, sleep deprivation, not being able to put your own socks and shoes on, not being able to wipe your own bum (yes, it happens and no, nothing is off limits here), it can be a long, difficult ride getting your little one here safely, and then navigating your new role as a parent.  Then, as you're...

Welcome, Let's Make Ourselves at Home ~

Hi. I’m Jess and welcome, the warmest welcome, to my brand new blog. On the back of the Covid-19 pandemic, a difficult conception and pregnancy, and becoming a Mum for the first time, I wanted to create something positive, something creative, an outlet of sorts and ultimately, somewhere for people to come and feel accepted. I’m 28, Odin is my gorgeous, perfect, wonderful, son and Tom is my equally wonderful husband. We have two dogs, two cats and we tried for four long, hard years to conceive our little person (I will speak more about that in another blog post!) I want this to be short and sweet, so, I hope this blog will be cathartic, helpful to somebody, offer some support and create a sense of community for all you Mama’s and Dada’s who are rocking it Every. Single. Day. Anyway, here’s to the beginning of something hopefully quite beautiful. Welcome, let’s make ourselves at home… ✽