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Reusable Nappies: A Beginners Guide ~

The wonderful world of reusable nappies can seem like a minefield! I felt really overwhelmed when I started looking in to using them before I had my son, and honestly, it almost put me off the idea on a couple of occasions. 

I joined a few reusable nappy groups online in the hope of finding some information, and I did! There are some great groups out there, full of super knowledgeable and experienced Cloth-Bum-Mums (and Dads!) who are more than happy to pass on their wisdom. 
I did also feel a bit like a rabbit in headlights, because there are so many types, fits, materials, prices, many options and so much information - I just didn't have a clue where to start. 
I think this can be quite off-putting if you are considering using cloth nappies, and can make using them seem more difficult, more effort, more expensive, less convenient and less appealing than using disposables - and that so isn't the case! 

I could list for you all the benefits of using reusables, but put simply, the goal here is to reduce the waste we produce and help our struggling planet out a little bit! 🌍 
That means, even if you swap out just one or two of your disposables each day for a reusable, you're doing it right! You're doing a great thing. It can feel like there is a lot of pressure to use cloth nappies 24/7 and for some people, that just isn't doable. 
So I am hoping this blog post will make some of the information about reusable nappies a little easier to wade through, a little less overwhelming and hopefully, get us all a little bit excited about even the smallest changes we are able to make! 


~ Types of reusable nappies ~

All In One's (AIO's)
These nappies are exactly as they say; all in one. They have an absorbent inner insert that is attached to the inside of the nappy, and a waterproof outer layer. * They are shaped like a disposable and will normally have Velcro or popper fastenings. You pop the entire thing in the wash after every use. They are ready made and ready to go - super easy and convenient! (These are often a more expensive option due to the convenience!)
*You can add additional boosters to boost absorbency as your little one needs it.
Pocket Nappies (Pockets)
These are similar to All In One's, but the inserts are separate. There is an opening in the lining of the nappy to stuff the inserts and boosters inside. As with All In One's, the whole lot get's popped in the wash after every use. 

All In Two's (Pop Ins)
These are the in between option; much like the above two, they are shaped like a disposable, have the same waterproof outer later, but the boosters get attached to the nappy by a popper rather than stuffed in to a pocket - easy peasy!     

These three varieties can often be found as 'birth to potty' nappies and are adjustable as your child grows. They can be a bit bulkier on newborns but it does eliminate the need buy sized nappies as they get older. 

Shaped Nappies (Sized Nappies, Two Part Systems)
These nappies consist of a shaped absorbent nappy with elasticated waist and legs, which is then covered by a waterproof nappy wrap. They're often a more affordable option and are great for getting a good fit on smaller babies and newborns.

Prefolds (Flats, Pads) 
Often when people think of reusable nappies, this is what immediately comes to mind. The 'old fashioned' way of nappying your little one. Think terry cloths, muslins - they're by far the most cost effective option and the most eco-friendly. You'll need a 'Nappi Nippa' or nappy fastener to avoid using sharp safety pins that would have been used in years past! These are simple clips that fasten the nappy together.   

~ Abbreviations and Acronyms ~

AIO - All In One's

AI2 - All In Two's

B2P - Birth to Potty

PUL - Polyurethane Laminate 
(waterproof fabric on the outside of the nappy or the wrap)

TPU - Thermoplastic Polyurethane 
(waterproof fabric on the outside of the nappy or the wrap)

OSFA - One Size Fits All / OSFM - One Size Fits Most

SS - Strip and Sanitise

~ Terminology ~
Inserts - these are the absorbent layer that comes with your nappy. 

Boosters - these are absorbent pieces of material that are added to the nappy to increase absorbency. 

Liners - liners can either be fabric (reusable - often microfleece) or disposable and are added to the nappy to help ease poo clean up! They are not absorbent, but they can be added to wick moisture away from baby's skin. 

Cover/Wraps - the waterproof used over prefolds and shaped nappies.

Hook and Loop - this is what is more commonly known as Velcro.


Hopefully, this is enough info to help you get started and feeling a bit more confident to try out reusable nappies. I am by no means an expert and learn new tips and tricks every day, so please do share any advice or ask me any questions on the email below (I will try my best to help!). 
I am also linking some places I found helpful to look at below too!



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